In the eye of the storm


By Brendan Rees

Budding photographer Kellie Enright captured this extraordinary photo of nature’s beauty when a storm swept through Clyde on Saturday 25 November.
Kellie, of Endeavour Hills, said she turned her car into Thoroughbred Drive, Clyde and quickly pulled out her Nikon D90 to photograph the storm about 4pm.
“It just came over that quick and I was just taking random photos. I could see the cloud and knew which shot I wanted.”
“I love it. I carry my camera everywhere. I’ve been in some storms but nothing like this before,” she said.
“I’m not 100 per cent on the settings at the time as it was a case of grabbing the camera and flicking around with the settings in a hurry. Most likely I had it set to “P“ and negative three on exposure, adding “they were pretty lucky shots.”