Mums, kids in new combine

Isla and her mum Emma Stephens. 98494 Pictures: MEAGAN ROGERS

CHILDREN at Rangebank Preschool spent the day with their mums in the classroom recently to celebrate Mother’s Day.
Preschool director Barbara Ryan said the children enjoyed a number of activities with their mothers throughout the day.
“The children enjoyed decorating and icing special funny-faced biscuits and cake pops with their mums along with creating their own faces out of wool, textas and googly eyes,” she said.
“They also participated in hand printing, threading and sharing afternoon tea which they contributed in making.
“We finished the end of the session by reading a mummy book and the children presented them with a handmade placemat with their photo and handprint and a coaster.”
Ms Ryan said she wanted to thank all those who assisted to help make the day a success.