Vets get the word out
VIETNAM veterans are encouraged to attend a welfare information session in Frankston next week.
The Victorian Branch of the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia (VVAA)...
Life on the line
A 21-YEAR-OLD woman is on life support after a single car collision in Cranbourne North on the weekend.
Police said the woman, from Edithvale, lost...
Neil is a gem
- Bridget BradyA HUMBLED Neil Marriott became the fifth Rotary Club of Cranbourne member to be awarded the prestigious Sapphire Pin last week.
Mr Marriott...
Young green thumbs learn native ways
SENIOR students at Lyndhurst Secondary College got their green thumbs out when they planted a native garden last week.
Year 12 VCAL students planted a...
Senior Sergeant Jayden takes off in squadron
By Bridget BradyJAYDEN Boyde was inspired to join the Air League after being wowed by an air show when he was nine years old.
Trained to be safe
Katelyn and Melanie speak to Senior Sergeant Andrew Horsecroft, Mike Walsh from Casey Cardinia Transport Connections and David Hogarty from Metro Trains about their...
Trading up to Sandhurst
SANDHURST Club has reported record land sales this year, with 30 blocks sold in May.
Sandhurst sales manager Paul Phillips said there was a shortage...
Cupboards are full
Cranbourne Rotary Club incoming president Andrew Pinxt, centre, and president Stan Bankes-Fay help Cranbourne Information and Support Service manager Leanne Petrides fill up the...
Wayne is
CRANBOURNE superbike star Wayne Maxwell revved his way to a top five finish during his debut at the Suzuka 300 event in Japan.
Maxwell, 27,...
Magic multiplied
AUDIENCES can expect the unexpected during free magic shows at Centro Cranbourne these school holidays.
Magician Elio Simonetti and his glamorous helper Eva Salleh will...
Call for men to take care of their health
Cranbourne’s Bill Durrant and wife Leonie have encouraged men to speak up about their health and visit the doctor. 49011 ...
Driving forward
By Bridget BradyCranbourne driving instructor Stuart Barkway has developed a unique driving program with the school, which educates Year 10 students in the Boost...