Bush kinder surprise

Jumping in the muddy puddles. Picture: SUPPLIED

Students at Rivercrest Christian College in Clyde North are literally as happy as pigs in mud!

Recently the Rivercrest four-year-old group paid a visit to the 25 acre environmental reserve that is literally walking distance from their classrooms.

Students put on their gumboots and packed an extra set of clothes for their visit to the reserve, which was full of wonder and surprise!

“To have access to such a wonderful resource is such a blessing for our students, “ said Donna Adams, an early years teacher at the school.

The school runs a fortnightly Bush Kinder program that allows students to explore the waterways, native trees and bird hides of the environmental reserve.

The visits are not only a great setting for the children to enjoy some fresh air but also are full of educational opportunities.

The children are supported as they challenge their gross motor skills, explore nature and develop play skills.

Students also explore the impacts of human activity on the world around them, and discuss ways they can care for the native flora and fauna.

“They experience first-hand the wonder and beauty of the natural world, while learning skills such as observation and experimentation,” said Mrs Adams.

And the best thing is, they get to jump in muddy puddles!