Three…autumn gardening tips

1) Mulch for your garden
Mulch is your garden’s best friend. It helps the soil hold in moisture so you don’t have to water it as often and it also keeps down weeds. Over time, mulch will break down into your soil and improve it by adding nutrients. There are a few different types of mulch, including organic and inorganic varieties.

2) Fertilise your lawn
Fertilising your lawn will ensure that it stays green and healthy throughout the year. Autumn is a great time to fertilise because it protects your lawn through the winter months. You should aim to fertilise twice a year for the best results.

3) Plant bulbs
Planting bulbs is a great way to add a splash of colour to your garden. You’d be surprised how many different colours, sizes and types of bulbs that you can choose from. Autumn is the perfect time of year to plant them as they’ll have enough time to grow before they are ready to flourish in spring. Bulbs are really easy to grow although make sure that you choose a spot with plenty of sunlight.

Source: Bunnings Warehouse