Flynn’s best again at German verse

For the second year in a row, Flynn won his year level trophy for the whole state of Victoria.

FLYNN Collier knows his German.
The Year 7 student from Hillcrest Christian College beat other contenders from across the state to win the German Poetry Competition on Saturday 20 August.
Flynn performed the Georg Bydlinski poem “Machen wir Frieden” and won first prize, for the second year in a row.
Head of middle school Hanan Khreish said judges from the German-speaking community commended Flynn on his efforts.
“Flynn’s pronunciation and expression is the best in the state and makes the trophy a fitting reward for his many hours of practice and outstanding performance,” Ms Khreish said.
“It was so exciting for his German teacher to hear some judges praise Flynn’s outstanding effort, stating that it is very rare for a student with no native speaking background to recite a poem that well.”