Casey on crime hot list, with a bullet

Casey Inspector Paul Breen discussing crime prevention strategies last year. 141409


WEAPONS and explosives offences and sexual assaults in Casey have jumped during the last 12 months, the latest crime statistics show, contributing to a 16.4 per cent increase in overall crime.
Casey ranks third behind Greater Dandenong (17.7 per cent) and Cardinia (21.9 per cent) for the highest crime growth in the Southern Metropolitan region since September 2014.
The steady climb in offences puts Casey in Victoria’s top crime-prone areas – but region Inspector Paul Breen said it’s important to compare the hike with other growing municipalities.
“Casey has a very strong population growth up to 10,000 people per year,” Insp Breen said.
Over the past year sexual offences jumped 39 per cent on last year’s figures and weapons and explosives offences climbed 55 per cent.
One of the biggest jumps was robbery up 38 per cent and drug manufacturing increased by 32 per cent.
But Insp Breen said police made several arrests late last year, which lifted offence statistics.
“Casey police have identified a number of criminal identities in the area and of course many criminals carry weapons,” Insp Breen said.
“But it’s a sign that we are getting out there and identifying these issues and sending them to the courts.”
Reflecting a long series of home invasions throughout Casey in 2015 the stats revealed a spike in burglary and break and enter which were up 17 per cent on last year.
And stalking, harassment and threatening behaviour as well as drug use and possession had increased 25 per cent.
Insp Breen said he encouraged all Casey organisations to continue working diligently with police.
“That relationship with the community helps us put into action crime prevention strategies and target recidivist offenders,” he said.