Big hug for Dad

Lily and Grace take their special time with Dad Steve to show off their reading skills. 144035 Picture: Contributed


WAITING to give Dad a big hug at the end of the day came early on Friday for the pre-schoolers at Rangebank in Cranbourne.
Dad’s arrived to big smiles for an evening with their children to celebrate Father’s Day.
It was all hands on deck as the dads were shown around the school yard.
Sausages were sizzled, handprints were set and self-portraits were drawn for Dad.
Barbara Ryan-Perkins from the school said her pre-schoolers loved having their dads in class.
“The children made ties for each of their dads to wear for the evening and they made clay creations and edible cards,” she said.
The sandpit and footy games were busier than usual, and the dads’ evening was capped off with an outdoor hunt and special book for dads.