Water works

Holt MP Anthony Byrne and Chisholm Institute chief executive Maria Peters at the opening of the Chisholm TAFE Cranbourne campus' new $8.2 million centre for sustainable water management.Holt MP Anthony Byrne and Chisholm Institute chief executive Maria Peters at the opening of the Chisholm TAFE Cranbourne campus’ new $8.2 million centre for sustainable water management.

By Bridget Cook
CHISHOLM TAFE Cranbourne campus has welcomed the opening of a new $8.2 million centre for sustainable water management.
The water centre includes 440 square metres of undercover training space and a large permanent sandpit.
It centre can accommodate heavy machinery, allowing staff to get hands-on experience with earth moving plant equipment and be taught civil construction skills including pipe-laying, trenching and shoring.
The multi-purpose facility also includes a pioneering water treatment plant, a water quality testing lab, industry research and development area, recycling programs and controlled environment horticulture facility.
Chisholm institute has already delivered successful workforce development programs to leading water authorities including SE Water, City West and Yarra Valley Water.
This facility will benefit several vocational disciplines including water management and sustainability, plumbing, building and horticulture.
Holt MP Anthony Byrne officially opened the new centre on Friday which was built with federal government funding.
“This facility is the first of its kind in the region and the size of the environment horticulture training centre is unparalleled in Australia,” Mr Byrne said.
“I am very proud that Cranbourne has been chosen as a place to host this facility, creating jobs and increasing training opportunities for people in our region.”
Chisholm Institute chief executive Maria Peters said the new facility would be of great benefit.
“Chisholm regards our new facility as having value for the development of both individual and enterprise skills to ensure a strong future workforce for the water industry and one that will strongly benefit the community and support, long term, the development of Australia’s capacity to effectively manage this high value resource,” she said.
The Australian Government contributed the funding from the Training Infrastructure and Investment for Tomorrow element of the Teaching, Learning and Capital fund.
For further information visit www.deewr.gov.au/skills