No one spared!

Senior Constable Allen Inderwisch from Casey TMU is watching Cranbourne drivers.                                                            Picture: Stewart Chambers.Senior Constable Allen Inderwisch from Casey TMU is watching Cranbourne drivers. Picture: Stewart Chambers.

By Sarah Schwager
CRANBOURNE drivers have felt the effects of Cranbourne Police’s zero tolerance to traffic offences.
After its first week, Operation Spare has seen 64 fines issued in the Cranbourne area and two driver’s licences taken away for high speed.
The operation, which began on Sunday 27 May, focuses purely on traffic offences to combat the number of fatalities on Cranbourne roads.
There have been eight deaths in the Cranbourne response zone so far this year, meaning all of this year’s fatalities in Casey have occurred on Cranbourne roads, while nine of last year’s 11 road deaths occurred in the Cranbourne area.
Senior Constable Allen Inderwisch from Casey Traffic Management Unit (TMU) said fines were issued for offences including speed, unlicensed drivers, unregistered vehicles, failing to wear a seatbelt and using a mobile phone.
On Tuesday night last week, a man was detected on the South Gippsland Highway 80kmh zone in Cranbourne driving 179kmh.
“That driving behaviour is just sheer stupidity and there is no excuse for driving like that, particularly with the wind and rain that night,” Sen Const Inderwisch said.
Of 230 preliminary breath tests, there was only one drink driving offence recorded.
“Police are very happy with that but even still, one is one too many.”
Sen Const Inderwisch said police would continue with a zero tolerance approach in the Cranbourne area.
Police will be out on patrol seven days a week at random times of the day and night and in different locations including up to Hampton Park and the coastal villages.
“We are not accepting any bad driving behaviour,” Sen Const Inderwisch said.
“We will continue this approach until we are satisfied people are getting the message, particularly with the number of fatalities we have had in Cranbourne.”