MAD money makes such a difference

Above: Grade five students Corey and Elisha sported crazy hairstyles to raise money for the Starlight Foundation.Above: Grade five students Corey and Elisha sported crazy hairstyles to raise money for the Starlight Foundation.

IT was pure MADness at a Cranbourne primary school last week.
Students and teachers from Courtenay Gardens Primary School dressed in their craziest clothes to help celebrate diversity and raise money for the Starlight Foundation. It was part of the school’s annual MAD (Make a Difference) Day last Friday.
Prep teacher Lauren Van Rooyen said the day was part of many activities at the school that encouraged tolerance and acceptance among the children.
“The kids were so excited,” she said. “They turned up in pyjamas, wigs, their clothes on backwards, undies on their heads and 1500 pony tails.”
Ms Van Rooyen said she was impressed at how much effort the kids’ parents had gone to.
“They were all so individual and creative. They weren’t coming as a character, they were themselves but quirky,” she said. Ms Van Rooyen estimated the school raised more than $1000 through gold coin donations. She said the day highlighted what the Starlight Foundation was all about.
The Starlight Foundation aims to bring smiles to the faces of hospitalised children, using fun and entertainment as a positive distraction to pain and boredom.