By Sarah Schwager
A SPECIAL needs program has received funding to keep it going in Cranbourne this school term.
The Casey Kidz Klub, an after-school activities program for disabled and special needs children over 12, started up again on Tuesday thanks to one-off funding from the Carer Respite Centre.
But Cranbourne North mother and program organiser Amanda Stapledon said a request for long-term help from the state and federal governments had gone unanswered.
The State Government, which is responsible for respite care, has said it is up to the Federal Government, which is responsible for after-school care, to provide funding while the Federal Government has said it is up to the state.
“In the meantime, the families are suffering,” Ms Stapledon said.
“Either the two need to merge or we need another category for these children.”
She said was particularly disappointed that the State Government had not offered to lobby on their behalf.
For this term, however, the program will run three days a week at Wresacare in Cranbourne.
Ms Stapledon, whose son Peter, 13, suffers from multiple disabilities including autism, said Wresacare had been fantastic, not only donating the space to run the program but also transporting the kids to the centre, although it would not be sustainable in the long term.
“We are overwhelmed and the parents are so excited,” she said.
She hopes with increased funding the program will be able to run the extra two days a week and then they will look at funding for next term.
As soon as she is able to secure a meeting, Ms Stapledon will fly to Canberra to meet Federal Minister for Family, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Mal Brough, to discuss the issue.
Casey Council has also set up a working party to help identify funding sources for special needs children aged 12 and over.