An angel seeks help

By Sarah Schwager
A DOVETON man is an angel on earth.
Gary Mitchell has volunteered as an Earth Angel for the last three years, transporting patients from the airport to the hospital for free.
He is now organising an Old Time Ball in Hampton Park to raise money for the Australia-wide charity Angel Flight, which flies patients from their home town to a city hospital for treatment.
Mr Mitchell said he had always wanted to do voluntary work but it was not until seeing a story about Angel Flight in 2003 that he knew that this was for him.
“Angel Flight is almost my life,” he said. “I look forward to doing it. It is so gratifying.”
Mr Mitchell said he gladly worked around anything he was doing to volunteer for the charity.
Angel Flight Australia is a charity that coordinates non-emergency flights for people needing medical treatment and who live a long way from large medical centres.
Angel Flight pilots do not carry aero medical staff or medical equipment and do not act as an alternative to the Flying Doctor (RFDS) or Air Ambulance.
Mr Mitchell said Angel Flight conducted nearly 2500 missions helping more than 1200 patients. The organisation has 1500 pilots registered and nearly 1600 Earth Angels.
Mr Mitchell encouraged people to come down to the Hampton Park Public Hall on Friday, 17 November for the old time ball.
Tickets cost $20. BYO supper, drinks and glasses.
Music will be provided by the Silhouettes Dance Band, with savouries from 7.15pm and dancing from 8pm to 1am. For information call 9792 5027.
Sponsorship funds and donations are used to pay for 100 per cent of fuel used by pilots when they conduct an angel flight.
For further information on Angel Flight Australia phone toll free 1300 726 567 or visit