Parking mayhem

Pearcedale Shopping Village car park during school pick-up time. Picture: EMILY CHAPMAN LAING 325893_01

Emily Chapman Laing

School drop-offs and pick-ups are causing car parks to be overwhelmed in Pearcedale.

Many residents of the area have complained on a Facebook post about parents from Pearcedale Primary School parking in the shopping centre car park.

“I’ve gone down at 2.30pm before and not been able to get a park to go to the post office,” said Nicole Ainger.

“There’s lots of cars with people just sitting in them, or people standing talking to others, I assume waiting for school to finish.”

Local woman Kylie Young reported that this is an ongoing issue for the residents, who have learned to avoid the area during peak times.

However, parents maintain they have nowhere else to go.

Local parent Brad Young has said there are consequences to seeking alternatives.

“We get fined if we park in other certain spots,” he said.

Some residents say they are unbothered by the chaos.

“I usually do a few laps and eventually get one,” a local resident said.

Others argue there is plenty of parking for parents if they are willing to go the distance.

“Actually there’s plenty of parking at the oval but you have to drive all the way to the back,” Dianne Whitehead said.

“Even more so if you use the second oval it’s just a bit more of a walk.”

Parents have said the high activity offers more business to the Pearcedale shop owners.

“I know when I’m the driver for the kids to and from school, I go to the post office, do shopping at the IGA instead of the big shops and buy something at the bakery,” Joanne Osborne said.

“I pretty much use all of the services and it’s because my kids are from the Pearcedale school.”

Locals on all sides of the issue agree more infrastructure is needed.

Mrs Osborne says the council could use their time better and build necessary infrastructure.

“The spare corner clock near the roundabout could be easily used or leased [for parking].”

She says the rates paid by locals are not reflected in their community.

“Maybe [locals] can contact council with concerns and they can accommodate more parking spots for a school of its size,” Mr Young said.

One resident raised concerns about the possible introduction of five-minute parking in the shopping precinct, as he had heard rumours the council had signed an agreement to restrict parking time.

But City of Council manager city and asset planning Keri New said the claims are false.

“Council does not have any agreement in place,” she said.

“There are no current proposals to change existing parking arrangements in the council-owned car park servicing Pearcedale Shopping Centre.”