By Bridget Brady
CRANBOURNE’s Cherryhills Drive residents say their pleas for help are being ignored as hoons continue to put them in danger.
Numerous residents have complained that hoons tear up their “racetrack” designed street, and are fed up with the countless close calls.
Amanda, who did not want her surname used, said her family was the latest to experience a near miss when a car lost control around a bend and smashed into the tree on her nature strip about 10pm on Friday, narrowly missing her car.
The driver sped off, leaving neighbourhood residents shaking their heads once again.
Casey council said it would continue to monitor the roads, but said Cherryhills Drive didn’t qualify for speed humps to be built based on a traffic survey conducted in September 2010.
Amanda said it wasn’t good enough.
“I just want the council to do something. It is a big problem,” she said.
“They (hoons) keep us awake. It can happen all through the night up to five in the morning.”
The biggest concern of residents is their children’s safety, and Amanda said she worried about her five children.
“The two little girls’ bedroom is on the fence line and we’re worried that a car will come through our fence,” she said.
She said she didn’t feel safe backing out of her driveway, and neither did a neighbour who built a circular driveway especially for that reason.
Amanda said she’d like to see speed humps installed before each bend and in the middle of each straight stretch of road.