Nicholson nails it on a turbulent day at Lang Lang

Weekly winners were John Nicholson, Bob Arnold, Laurie Bell and Max Williams. (Supplied)

A great turnout of 40 members of the South West Gippsland Midweek Bowling Group braved a typical Melbourne day of changing weather to take part in the weekly challenge at Lang Lang Bowls Club.

As is the norm, players were signed in by Pauline and John while Peter did the team selections.

Marianne and Colin welcomed us all to Lang Lang which is always a great way to start the day.

It was a beautiful spring morning with a temperature of 20 degrees and a reasonable breeze blowing, which pretty much guaranteed the day would be one to remember.

As soon as the bowlers went out on the green the fun started, with lots of hearty laughter across all the rinks.

There were one or two wrong-bias bowls on the day, but that never detracted from the quality of the bowling.

Slowly but surely Melbourne’s weather did what it does best, and changed from a beautiful spring day to a rather cool and extremely uncomfortable afternoon.

The players did stick it out for a long time in the rain, but the end result was that the day was cut short by a few ends.

However, we had played enough ends to ensure that the game was considered complete.

The weekly winners on 35 points were John Nicholson (S), Bob Arnold (L), Laurie Bell (3) and Max Williams (2).

Runners Up, also on a score of 35, were Ken Harding (S), Cheryl Floyd (3) and Derek Fenn (L).

Best One Game winners on a score of 17 were Kevin Kitchen (3), Max Summers (S), Claire Nichols (L) and Bill Williams (2).

A big thank you to all our enthusiastic volunteers who clean up the green after the game as well as all those who contribute to the clean up inside the clubroom.

Also, to Marianne and Colin who keep all our thirsty bowlers happy.

This week we will be meeting up at Corinella at 10am so please try to be on time.

Till then please be careful but most of all, have fun.

-Laurie Bell-