Handy from Harding on a beautiful day for bowls

Winners at Corinella were Ken Harding, Jenny Smith, Zac Bakker and Colin Scales. (Supplied)

What a superb day at Corinella Bowls Club for members of the South West Gippsland Midweek Bowling Group, with temperatures in the low to mid-twenties and no wind to speak of.

Our friends at Corinella really turned it on for us as 55 of our family of bowlers turned up to once again fight it out for team of the week.

And what a competition it was with so many great players all chasing victory.

But this did not slow down the usual banter between the players and laughter could be heard from all around the green.

Hayden went above and beyond to ensure we had background music for the day and this always lifts players spirits.

We were greeted as usual by Pauline and John, with Peter and David busily arranging the teams for the day.

Robyn looked after the kitchen while Phil looked after our thirsts.

There were a few donations to the Royal Children’s Hospital tin today, via wrong bias bowls, but it’s always good to see the generosity of our players.

As always there are winners and there are losers, and today was no different.

Today’s winners on a score of 35 were Ken Harding (S), Jenny Smith (L), Zac Bakker (3) and Colin Scales (2).

Runners up also on 35 points were Nick Arnold (S), Marianne Scales (2), Wayne Stevens (3) and Margaret McConville (L).

Best one game winners on a score of 19 were John Nicholson (S), Frank Verco (L), Frank D’Unienville (2) and Michael Saunders (3).

A big thank you to all our behind-the-scenes crew.

I know we overlook them most weeks but we truly appreciate all their hard work.

Next week we will be meeting at San Remo to once again lay down the gauntlet and fight it out for first prize.

We hope to see everyone at the clubhouse by 10am for a 10.30am start.

Until then please stay safe and most of all enjoy yourselves.

-Laurie Bell-