Dady thaws out quickest on a beautiful day at Loch

Challenge winners this week were Peter McWilliams, Michael Dady, Enid Johnston and Bev Elliott. (SUPPLIED)

An icy morning turned into a beautiful day at the Loch Bowls Club as 37 members of the South West Gippsland Midweek Bowling Group took part in the weekly challenge.

It is winter, but it was more like a beautiful autumn day with blue skies and virtually no wind.

We were welcomed at Loch, as always, by Pauline and John while Peter and Claire arranged the teams.

Despite the initial chill, (Steve chipped all the ice away before we arrived), it was great to see the sun come out almost as soon as we stepped on the green.

And with the lack of wind as well as the state of the green, ensured we would have a great day of bowls.

But what always keeps us coming back is the friendly banter and laughter around the green every week.

It is always great fun playing with so many happy friends.

There were only one or two wrong bias bowls today, thank you though players; the Royal Children’s Hospital really appreciates the extra donations.

Once again, we would like to acknowledge the efforts of Trevor and Sue behind the bar and in the kitchen, they make it a pleasure to be there.

And a big thank you to Steve for cleaning up when all had left.

This week’s winners on 36 points were Peter McWilliams (L), Michael Dady (S), Enid Johnston (3) and Bev Elliott (2).

Runners up on a score of 35 were John Nicholson (S), Laurie Bell (3) and Derek Fenn (L).

Best One Game winners this week were Max Summers (3), Bill Williams (L) and Louis Magri (S) with 19 points.

We look forward to our next gathering at Lang Lang Bowls Club this week.

With a planned start at 10:30am, we would love to see all our players on site by 10am.

Wishing all our bowlers a safe and successful week until then.

-Laurie Bell-