Young star shines bright for Devon

Agape Patolo and Riley Simmons wrestle in a ruck contest. 416178 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS.

By Jonty Ralphsmith

Devon Meadows was clinical in its dismantling of Karingal on Saturday, winning 17.21 123 to 6.7 43 in the Mornington Peninsula Football Netball League Division 2 competition.

Karingal applied early pressure before a 4.11 to 0.1 second quarter opened the game up as the Panthers’ class came to the fore.

Riley Simmons’ consistency reached new heights with an excellent game against highly regarded Karingal ruck Agape Patolo.

His tapwork set the game up around stoppage for the visitors, with Brendan Hermann influential through the midfield.

Jack Wilson was also among the best as his strong form continues.

Awarded the MPFNL rising star in round 11 following his game against Bonbeach, Wilson has won plenty of the footy and thrived when given more midfield opportunity.

“He’s been huge for us and would be the best young player in the competition,” said coach Ryan Hendy.

“He doesn’t waste the footy – he’s always creating something for someone and making things happen.

“He’s got some mongrel about him in the contest and doesn’t go to ground.”

After playing predominantly as a forward in the first third of the season, his midfield minutes have risen in the last month, Hendy approximating that he has spent 50 per cent of time in the midfield.

“His confidence has grown which has shown with the way he’s playing.”

The Panthers’ next assignment is sixth-placed Somerville.

Meanwhile, Pearcedale cruised to victory in a 23.13 151 to 7.6 48 victory over Rye.

Michael Meehan and Jack Turner kicked four goals as the hosts had 12 individual goal kickers in the clinical win, maintaining its two game buffer in fifth position.

Pearcedale will be favoured to win its clash against Tyabb on Saturday.