Hanrahan makes hay on breezy day at Corinella

Winners of the weekly challenge at Corinella were Shirley Corcoran, Mark Hanrahan, Pauline McWilliams and Wayne Stevens. 410765 Pictures: SUPPLIED

Corinella Bowls Club played host to 45 members from the South West Gippsland Midweek Bowling Group on Thursday; all keen to make their mark and be part of the Team of the Week.

The weather was not too bad for the second last day of autumn, with a bit of a wind but nothing too strong.

Chris finished preparing the green as we all turned up and awaited our inclusion in one of the 12 teams.

Pauline and Steve signed us all in as Peter once again prepared the teams, and the players mingled prior to the games starting.

We eventually all went out and joined up with our teams as well as our opponents, always an interesting time of day.

And then the fun began.

Laughter could be heard across the rinks, mixed in with some friendly banter among the players

Some excellent examples of bowling were seen across the green, with very little, if any, wrong bias bowls being seen today.

Like every week, the cream floats to the top and this week was no different.

This week’s winners on 37 points were Mark Hanrahan (S), Wayne Stevens (3), Pauline McWilliams (2) and Shirley Corcoran (L).

Runners-up on 36 points were Vern Elliott (S), Derek Fenn (3), Mark Andreatta (2) and Marites (Mae) Soledad (L).

Best One Game winners with 34 points were Louis Magri (S), Steve Edge (3), Bev Elliott (2) and Peter Thorley (L).

A big thank you to Terry and Cheryl for all their hard work both behind the bar as well in the kitchen, they did a great job for us all.

Next week we will once again meet up at San Remo to fight it out as part of a different team, against some of the region’s better bowlers.

It really is such fun having different team members each week.

So please, to all our members, have a fun week but stay safe and we will see you next week for another fun day.

Please be on site by 10am.

-Laurie Bell-