Borradale and the gang prove hard to beat at windy San Remo

Winners at San Remo were Peter Thorley, Dehlia Cave, Wayne Stevens and Peter Borradale. 402 746 Pictures: SUPPLIED

A huge turnout of 48 members from the South West Gippsland Midweek Bowling Group descended on San Remo for the latest weekly challenge.

And what a day it was, with brisk winter weather with the threat of rain.

But the weather didn’t stop our family of bowlers from meeting up to once again fight it out for team of the week.

Pauline and John welcomed us to San Remo and signed us in with Peter trying his hardest to arrange the teams.

It was very hard as people were still coming in at the expected start time.

We all eventually went out to the green and got started.

The rink was in excellent condition but very hard to master with the wind blowing us all around.

This made for quite a bit of laughter and, in some cases, frustration across the greens.

As usual there was a reasonable amount of sledging from friends all over the green.

It has been a lot of fun watching new friendships blossom over the past few weeks.

A big congratulation goes to Mark who had a birthday today as well as Michael who has a birthday in the next two days.

Thank you to Bob with Elaine and Peter in the kitchen, and also to Neil and Michael behind the bar.

There were a few two game winners, but this week’s cream rose to the top to take the prize.

And they were, with a score of 36, Peter Borradale (S), Wayne Stevens (3), Dehlia Cave (2) and Peter Thorley (L).

Runners up on a score of 35 were Phil Wright (S), Chris Brooks (3), Karen Hickson (2) and Alan Weeden (L).

Best One Game winners with a score of 23 were Steve Edge (S), Neil Andreatta (3), Bill Williams (2) and Angie Gratton (L).

I would also like to congratulate Tony on his record breaking effort today.

It will be hard to beat Tony.

As Anzac Day happens to fall on Thursday next week we will be having a week off, but will regroup again on Thursday 2 May at Lang Lang Bowls.

Once again, be on site by 10am and remember that if we reach capacity, anyone arriving after that will have to miss out.

We hope you all have a lovely break and return safe and refreshed and ready for more action on the green.

-Laurie Bell-