Love of the game shines through

John Moore and Bob Phillips are looking for some new teammates to join the ranks of Veterans Cricket. 374129 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

By David Nagel

These days they talk more about sore backs and calf-muscle injuries than lavish cover drives or square cuts…but it’s hard to imagine anyone still loving their cricket as much as John Moore and Bob Phillips

Moore and Phillips play for the Pakenham and District Veterans Cricket Club (PDVCC) in Over 60 competition and are also heavily involved in the West Gippsland Wombats Over-70 team.

Moore is captain and organiser for the Wombats, which consists of players from South Gippsland, Iona and Pakenham.

But numbers are diminishing, and ‘Recruitment Officer’ Phillips is keen to get some new faces on board.

Over-60 cricket…well it rejuvenated his love for the game.

“I stopped playing when I was about 50, and had 10 or 11 years in between where I didn’t play at all, but finding over-60s cricket just gave me a new lease of life,” Phillips said.

“I’m like most of the guys; that think we’ve got too many injuries and can’t run, but you don’t have to do any of that…it’s all about getting out there and having fun.

“We enjoy the game for what it is…and we’re very good at turning easy threes into ones.”

The players have a very modest pre-season, having the odd hit or two, and then basically keep their eye in by having games on a weekly basis.

Schedules have been mixed to this point of the season, but the Pakenham and District team will predominantly play on Sunday’s, with the Over-70 Wombats to play their fixtures on Tuesdays.

Moore, who survived a triple-heart bypass, said those who join the club will enjoy a special experience.

“My wife says it gets me out of the house, but it’s also exercise, the camaraderie is great, and it’s something I’ve done all my life,” he said.

“My thought is…make the most of what time you’ve got left.

“Over 60s cricket has been great for me and I’d encourage anyone capable to come down and have a go.

“We’ve had players that played at school, and haven’t played for 50 years; they’ve joined us and now they’re having a ball.

“You don’t need experience, just the will to have a go.”

Phillips started playing cricket at Cranbourne at the age of 12, and kept playing the game when he moved to Robinvale and Leongatha through work.

He moved back to Pakenham and played two years with the Lions, before playing 20 years for Pakenham Upper/Toomuc.

But Veterans Cricket, well it’s taken him to places he could never have imagined.

“The list of overseas countries is long…I’ve been to England, New Zealand, South America, Hawaii and many more places as well,” he said.

“It’s great fun, very rewarding and satisfying.”

Moore agrees, saying the trips overseas are very special.

“We go to some places and supply them with cricket gear and the locals greatly appreciate it,” he said.

“It’s very rewarding…you can’t beat it really.”

Over 60 and over-70 cricket is a 40-over format, with both Pakenham and the Wombats keen to give every player a go.

Both competitions don’t play for points, just purely for fun, while the ‘young blokes’ in the over 50s play for competition points.

Pakenham is looking to start an over-50s team…but that prospect will purely be determined by numbers.

For more details, contact John Moore on 0431 009 649.