It was never going to be a sold out event after the heavy rainfall most of the night and morning before, but 23 brave souls turned out at San Remo to once again fight it out for the team of the day in the South West Gippsland Midweek Bowling Group.
Some were sorry they made that decision as the day was quite windy and extremely cold.
However, all completed the day and cold or not there was still a bit of laughter and more friendly banter over the course of the day.
Surprisingly we only managed one or two donations to the Royal Children’s Hospital collection tin, but all donations are welcomed.
The green seemed a bit quicker than usual today and seemed to confuse quite a few of the bowlers. I blame the wind for that.
But, wind or no wind the day was very successful.
The weekly winners on a score of 36 were Peter McWilliams/Lindsay Russell (Dual Skips), Laurie Bell (3), Gwen Jeffrey (2) and Peter Thorley (L).
Runners up on 29 points were Tony Heppleston (S), Chris Brookes (3), Pauline McWilliams (2) and Bob Arnold (L).
Best One Game winners, on 21 points, were Mark Andreatta (S), Phil Wright (3), Bev Elliott (2) and Elaine Williams (L).
We would like to thank Mark behind the bar, Gwen in the kitchen, and Peter, Pauline and John for running the event each week.
This week we will be meeting at Kooweerup and hope the day is a bit warmer, but warm or cold please be at the club by 10am.
All comers welcome.
-Laurie Bell-