Make that eight straight for Cranbourne

Side 1 captain Jay Tootell lays down the law to his Cranbourne team. 312181 Pictures: SUPPLIED


Cranbourne played away against Burden Park on a first-class bowling green surface and had to fight hard to overcome some very strong opponents to keep its unbeaten record intact.

Five Cranbourne sides recorded wins over the weekend which was a great result for the club with just one last game to be played this week before the break.

Weekend Pennant – Round 5

• Side 1 Division 2 Sec 8

What an exciting game this was with very little between the sides all day.

Team Captain Jay Tootell pleaded with his Cranbourne team mates to find something special at the tea break.

“We need to build our character and find our resilience and let the opposition know they are playing against a team that never lies down without a fight,” Tootell said.

And that is exactly what they did with three rinks not giving an inch and losing by small margins while Lyn Quigg and his team tore the opposition apart and won by 18 shots giving Cranbourne victory overall by 11 shots.

As mentioned, the big winner of the day was the team of Garry Hunt, Peter ‘The Anchor-man’ Elgar, Doug Boggie and skip Lyn Quigg who won by 18 shots.

Cranbourne 78 (12 points) defeated Burden Park 67 (6 points)

• Side 2 Division 3 Sec 8

An outstanding win at home against Carrum taking full points and making a charge up the ladder.

Skip Brian Gay and his team of Bob Pyne, John Stanley and Fred Scicluna were amazing winning by a massive 24 shots.

Cranbourne 96 (18 points) defeated Carrum 49 (0 points)

• Side 3 Division 4 Sec 8

Cranbourne had a great battle with Mulgrave CC but came up short by 16 shots.

The team of skip Harry Van Soest, Denis Tomlin, Maree Taylor and Scott De Piazza won by 10 shots which was a great effort.

Cranbourne 66 (2 points) lost to Mulgrave CC 82 (16 points)

• Side 4 Division 7 Sec 8

Cranbourne (18 points) defeated Burden Park 3 by Walkover (0 points)

• Side 5 Division 8 Sec 7 (12 a side)

A huge win by 42 shots was a great result for this side

The standout win was by skip Cheryl Wright and her team of Andrew Brock, Kristi Hickson and Lesley Deal who won by 23 shots.

Cranbourne 84 (14 points) defeated Noble Park 42 (2 points)

• Side 6 Division 8 Sec 6 (12 a side)

Full points against Parkdale/ Clayton rounded off a great day for Cranbourne.

The big winner of the day was skip Mick Feeley, John Anstiss, Bruce Canavan and Olive Stanley who won by seven shots.

Cranbourne 64 (16 points) defeated Parkdale/Clayton 47 (0 points)

Mid-week Pennant

The day started out as usual with people withdrawing due to illness and we were working the phones to find replacements for them.

Under grey and cloudy skies, and even a light shower of rain, we ventured out for roll up.

The sun eventually broke through, the weather warmed and with three (3) Cranbourne teams playing at home on the front greens the atmosphere was high as the combatants started their games.

• Side 1 Division 2 Sec 6

Cranbourne 1 played Royal Melbourne Golf 1 on the synthetic green with the team of Harry Van Soest, Gerry Dudink, Garry Hunt and Vic Butera claiming a nine-shot victory.

The team of Lois Brock, Chris Stevenson, Allen Skurrie and Gwen Scott also had a nine-shot victory.

Overall Cranbourne 1 took the win by getting up two rinks to one.

Cranbourne 1 (64) defeated Royal Melbourne Golf 1 (58)

Plus 6 shots and 14 points.

Cranbourne 2 took on their beachside opponents Carrum 1 on the front green.

The game was tight and all three rinks had a battle on their hands, but eventually Cranbourne steadied enough to win on all three rinks.

The teams skipped by Chris Deal, Cheryl Wright and John Kent finished up winning by eight shots, seven shots and six shots respectively for a total of plus 21 shots and 16 pennant points.

Cranbourne 2 (68) defeated Carrum 1 (47).

Cranbourne 3 played at home as well and took on Mulgrave CC 6 and won the day with all three rinks up.

Best rink was skipped by Jay Tootell, with Yvonne Van Der Wees, John Stanley and Brian Caddell who won by 20 shots.

Cranbourne 3 (77) defeated Mulgrave CC 6 (49)

Plus 28 shots and 16 points.

Cranbourne 4 travelled to Dandy Club and try hard as they did, they were outclassed by their opponents.

Still there are many new bowlers in this team in their first season of not just pennant, but playing bowls altogether.

Give them a few years, and they will become very good players.

Cranbourne 4 (38) were defeated by Dandy Club 4 (95)

Minus 57 shots and zero points.

Congratulations to one and all and we just keep trying to do the best we can.

Go Cranny.

-Garry Hunt and Derek Maguire-