By Violet Li
Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria has confirmed it will hold a consultation conference for the assessment of the Development Licence of the proposed Hampton Park Waste Transfer Station.
The date has not been pinned down yet.
The Conference of Interested Parties is a further consultation after the state’s environment watchdog’s consultation in the community late last year.
The conference will have an independent facilitator to gather the views and make recommendations to EPA. The recommendations will be considered alongside the written submissions from the community.
According to an email to the local community, the state organisation had received more than 600 submissions on the day of the closing of last year’s consultation.
“EPA continues to assess the Development Application from Veolia Recycling and Recovery Pty Ltd to develop a Waste and Resource Recovery Plant in Hampton Park,” a spokesperson of EPA Victoria said.
“Several community information sessions have already been held and EPA plans on holding a further Conference of Interested Parties in the near future.
“Details will be provided to the community as soon as they are finalised. EPA recognises the strong level of interest from the community regarding this project, which is reflected in the high volume of submissions which we are still working through.”
Community organisations Lynbrook Residents Association and Casey Residents & Ratepayers Association have written to EPA and requested a minimum of four weeks of notice before the conference to allow residents time to prepare, an appropriate time after work hours or on a weekend to enable maximum attendance, formal invitations to local councillors and council planners, particularly those with decision-making powers, and translated materials to make the consultation accessible to all residents.
Hallam Road landfill operator Veolia proposed to build a $27m commercial waste transfer station on the land adjacent to the landfill. Casey Council approved the planning permit in November last year. EPA is currently assessing a Development Licence application.