By Violet Li
Akoonah Ward and River Gum Ward have seen the same winners after the vote recounts during the weekend.
Following a recount of votes in Akoonah Ward and River Gum Ward in the 2024 City of Casey Council elections, the final two councillors were declared by the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) at Bunjil Place on Monday 11 November.
Former Green member and councillor Lynette Pereira won the River Gum Ward with a significant lead of almost 2000 votes over the second spot Freedom Party member Geoff Hansen. She won both the primary vote and the preferential vote.
Scott Dowling will represent Akoonah Ward for the next four years.
City of Casey Chief Executive Officer Glenn Patterson congratulated and welcomed them to their new roles.
“The City of Casey is a large, complex and dynamic city. Casey staff and I are looking forward to working collaboratively with you and the new councillor group on behalf of the citizens of the City of Casey to make sure that they have all the support and opportunities they deserve,” he said.