Meet the Casey Council candidates – Kowan Ward

Kowan Ward candidate Christine Skrobo. (Supplied)


Suburbs: Narre Warre South, Cranbourne North, Berwick

Candidates: Christine Skrobo, Kasuni Mendis, Joby George, Gagan Bumrah, Shane Taylor, Bernard Brian Carr, Jawad Erfani, Raj Nayak


Suburb of residence: Narre Warren South

How long have you lived in Casey?

I have lived in Casey for almost 20 years.

Political party (past and present):

I am a member of and endorsed by the Libertarian Party. I was previously a member of the Greens.

Occupation, business/employer name:

Student, part-time customer service representative, part-time volunteer.

Property interests: None

Business interests: None

Three most important issues for your ward:

Core services are not being prioritised so ratepayers are not seeing value for money. Casey Council needs to focus on ensuring the roads are fixed, rubbish is collected and footpaths are maintained.

Rates are too high and increase each year. The council must cut down on wasteful spending so ratepayers can keep more of their hard-earned money.

Community engagement is poor and holding better council meetings is a clear way to improve this. That starts with having them at appropriate times, reading out all public questions and allowing residents to stand up and ask questions themselves if they wish to.

Describe your involvement in the local community:

I regularly attend the council meetings and keep informed about local issues.

Why are you standing for election?

I have lived in Casey for almost my entire life. I went to school here, have worked here and genuinely care about our local community. I want to see the City of Casey become a more affordable area to live and a clear way to make that happen is to reduce the rates. I want ratepayers to feel like they are getting value for money when they look around the municipality at the roads, footpaths and open spaces.

What is your campaign budget?

Up to $1000 of own money.

Who are your campaign donors?


How much have each contributed?

Not applicable

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

I have had guidance and mentoring from Paul Barker, Councillor at Surf Coast Shire, and recently interned with David Limbrick MP.

Who will you direct your preferences to?

I will not be providing a how-to-vote card. I encourage voters to read what each candidate stands for and preference them based on who will best represent the community.


Suburb of residence: Berwick

How long have you lived in Casey? Over 25 years

Political party (past and present): ALP member

Occupation, business/employer name: Council Officer at a local council in the western suburbs of Melbourne.

Property interests: –

Business interests: –

Three most important issues for your ward: Advocating for better roads and road networks is important for residents in the ward, as we are surrounded by some roads that urgently need upgrading. Residents also want to see core services delivered more efficiently, such as maintaining parks and reserves, so that we get better value for our rates. Finally, residents want to see better community cohesion, so that we can feel safe and secure in our neighborhoods.

Describe your involvement in the local community: Over the last 9 years, I have been involved with various community groups including the Casey Multi-Faith Network and the Casey Residents and Ratepayers Association, both of which I am now the President. Through these roles, I have been a strong advocate for our community. I have served on various council advisory committees and reference groups including for Environment and Sustainability, and Access and Inclusion. I am also an L2P Mentor.

Why are you standing for election?

I know that I can make a positive difference for our community with my background, knowledge and experience. There is more work to be done in our municipality to ensure that we build the community we deserve, and I know I have the right skills and vision to be a strong voice to make this happen.

What is your campaign budget? $8,000

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed?

Entirely self-funded

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

I have a broad range of community members who have advised me on my campaign.

Who will you direct your preferences to? I will direct my preferences to other candidates who have been active in the community, have experience, are running for the right reasons and want what is best for the community above their self-interest.


Suburb of residence: I live in Cranbourne North.

How long have you lived in Casey?

I’ve been proud to call Casey home for over 10 years.

Political party (past and present):

I’m running as an independent and have never been a member of any political party.

Occupation, business/employer name:

I am an Investigator for the Victorian Building Authority.

Property interests:

I don’t have any commercial property interests, just my family home here in Cranbourne North.

Business interests:

No business interests.

Three most important issues for your ward:

Community Engagement

I believe in a council that truly listens and acts on what the community needs. I would work hard to be a transparent and responsive councillor, making sure Casey residents’ voices are heard and your concerns are addressed promptly. The community’s feedback will drive my decisions and actions.

Greater Value for Money

We need to make sure every dollar of your rates is spent wisely. I would be dedicated to ensuring those funds are managed responsibly, cutting unnecessary costs, and investing in projects that offer Casey residents’ real value. This way, we ensure that your money is working hard for our community’s benefit.

Improving Infrastructure

Our roads, parks, and footpaths need an upgrade. I’m committed to better road maintenance, effective traffic management, and creating more green spaces for everyone to enjoy. By focusing on these areas, we can ease congestion, make our streets safer, and provide better recreational facilities for our community.

Describe your involvement in the local community:

Over the years, I’ve been involved in local sporting clubs, community events, and volunteering. I’m passionate about fostering a strong sense of community and connection among residents.

Why are you standing for election?

After four years of Casey being under administration, I’m running to bring accountability and transparency back to local government. I will ensure that our community’s needs are heard and more importantly addressed. I believe in Casey’s potential and by working together, we can build a thriving, connected, and safe community for all residents.

What is your campaign budget?

I’m running a very modest campaign with a small budget. My focus is on connecting with the community, it’s more about engagement and getting to know what really matters to residents.

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed?

My campaign is entirely self-funded. I’ve chosen not to accept any external donations. This allows me to campaign with integrity and remain focused on what really matters, serving the community without any outside influence.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

I haven’t sought advice from any current or former councillors or MPs. My focus is on listening to the community and making sure their concerns and ideas are at the center of this campaign. It’s important to me that their voices drive the decisions I’ll make if elected.

Who will you direct your preferences to?

At this point, I haven’t decided on any specific preference deals. My focus is on connecting with residents and ensuring their concerns are heard.


Suburb of Residence:

Narre Warren South in the Kowan Ward. I believe that candidates should stand in the Ward where they live, rather than choosing another Ward which they may see as an easier path to becoming a Councillor.

How Long Have You Lived in Casey:

I have lived in Casey for the past six years. More importantly, because I live in the Ward, I will be in Ward every day over the next four years.

Political Party (Past and Present):

I am not a member of a political party. I believe that Local Government works best if Councillors are not dictated to by outside political interests.

Occupation, Business/Employer Name:

Barrister, Mediator and Expert Determiner (i.e. a person appointed to decide a dispute as an alternative to going to Court).

Property Interests:

No property interests.

Business Interests:

No business interests other than as part of my occupation.

Three Most Important Issues in Your Ward:

Community safety, Cost of Living, and restoring the community’s trust in their elected representatives.

Describe Your Involvement in the Local Community:

My involvement with the local community is through my work as a lawyer, and through pro bono legal work for those who cannot afford legal representation.

Why Are You Standing for Election:

Casey City Council is the largest council in the State by population, and one of the largest in terms of its revenue. Over the 4 year term of the next Council, that revenue will approach, if not exceed, $2.5 Billion dollars. The elected Councillors are like a Board of Directors who oversee its expenditure. In order for the Council to achieve its most efficient and effective outcomes, the Councillors need to have the necessary training, experience and skills to fulfil their roles; learning ‘on the job’ is not enough. I am standing for Council because I am determined to see a Council that delivers first class outcomes not just for the electors in my Ward, but for all residents of the Council area. Properly maintained parks, gardens and roads, safe communities, proper planning outcomes and better health services are all achievable if our resources are efficiently and effectively managed.

What Is Your Campaign Budget:

Hard to say at the moment, but I estimate that it will come out at around $10K.

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed?

My campaign is self-funded. I don’t seek or accept donations. If elected, that will apply for the full 4 year term.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

No one.

Who will you direct your preferences to?

I will make this decision after I have been able to hear from, and possibly speak to, the other candidates.


Suburb of residence:

Cranbourne North -Casey

How long have you lived in Casey?

13 Years

Political party (past and present):

The Australian Greens (State Candidate -HOLT 2014 ) -2 Years

ALP – 15 Years

Occupation, business/employer name:

OHS & Compliance Manager

Manhari Metals ( Metal Recycler and Waste Management )

Property interests:

Unique priority right now!!

Business interests:

Science & Research , Education related , Training and Assessment programs ideas etc.

Three most important issues for your ward:

Output of Voters , during my routine door knocking

1. Crime (Stolen Cars, Number Plates etc)

2. Falling Trees / Some times council do not permit for dangerous trees to be taken off/ Property Damage due to tree/ More dry leafs around the front due to the council trees are very close to the house and they spend lots of time during the weekends etc.

3. More population and good schools do not have enough spaces. Few Kindergartens issues and play ground insufficient equipments etc.

My point of view;

1. All above & Kowan ward CLEANUP is required. ( Some areas are very smelly and lots of mess around).

2. Cost of living and affordability.

3. Lobby for continuing major roads and traffic improvements,

Describe your involvement in the local community:

Recently (Aud 2024) won the bravery award for the life saving effort from ST John Ambulance, Our community is happy about that effort and achievements.

Continuously involved with Cranbourne North, Narre warren and Berwick various community groups.

Visited many festivals, charity events, sports events throughout the year.

Member of casey council group of survey and Improvement.

Involved in NABO & NEXT DOOR Social networks as a Leader.

Why are you standing for election?

I am standing to become stronger local voice and represent our local each common man to make sure during my time they are happy to be on this council with the improved cost of living,

Reduced rates, high quality roads and streets etc. Also I would like to make sure their safety through wellbeing and crime prevention programs.

I am committed to supporting and recognition of all ,regardless of race,faith, gender, sexuality and ability.

I am standing Up for what’s Right!.

What is your campaign budget?


Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed?

As of today no one, All from my pocket!. Spending this much amount to make sure I will reach people to be their voice.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

Wayne Smith , Sarah Carter ( Before her death- RIP)

Lynette Keleher, zahra haydarbig , Jude Perera (Until Jan 2024 ) has guided me. etc.

Who will you direct your preferences to?

Kasuni Mendis