Meet the Casey Council candidates – River Gum Ward

River Gum candidate Lynette Pereira. (Supplied)


Suburbs: Lynbrook, Hampton Park

Candidates: Asher Coleman, Garry Page, Nazir Yousafi, Geoff Hansen, Damien Rosario, Lynette Pereira, Wayne Smith



Suburb of residence:


How long have you lived in Casey?

Since mid-late 1980s.

Political party (past and present):

Proud ALP Member nearly 35 years, Elected State Branch Council member AEU (Australian Education Union) – proud union member since 1977.

Occupation, business/employer name:

Secondary School Teacher/Careers Practitioner – Monash Children’s Hospital School.

Property interests:

Owner occupier of my home in Lynbrook.

Business interests:


Three most important issues for your ward:

After over 4 years of neglect by unelected Administrators we need to: 1. Getting Back To Basics – rates, roads & rubbish – the city is untidy and needs cleaning & maintaining 2. Responsible & open decision making – Council meetings at hours to allow residents to actually be able to attend & participate 3. Maintaining and improving Council facilities & programs – there have been no major infrastructure projects for the last four-to-five years.

Describe your involvement in the local community:

I am a very active volunteer in the local & wider community. I’m on the committee of the ’Lynbrook Residents Association’ and have volunteered at their events for many years, co-host of the’ Hampton Park Carols’ for over 20 years, a ’Justice of the Peace’ (since 1995) and a ’Bail Justice’ since 2005. During the pandemic era, I was part of the State-wide ’Remote Document Witnessing’ pilot program and now take weekly shifts since. I am also one of the State’s senior ’Bail Justices’ and have conducted almost 2500 out-of court sessions in-person at police stations and on-line. As a JP, I was one of the few local active JPs during the pandemic. I am very active in our local non-professional theatre scene with a number of local performing groups and I am a ’Youth Musical’ judge with the ’Lyrebird Youth Awards’. The establishment of ’Bunjil Place’ was my 20-plus year project as well as establishing the Cranbourne & Hallam Community theatres as well as the Hampton Park Library & Lynbrook Community Centre. Professionally, I sit on the Education Department’s ’Merit Protection Board’

Why are you standing for election?

After a long time as the Councillor for the area on both Cranbourne & Casey Councils, I still have lot to do to improve our community/city and feel I have much experience & passion to offer.

What is your campaign budget?

Unsure but suspect $1000 – $2000.

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed?

No donations have been sought or received.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

No assistance or advice received from anyone in this category to date.

Who will you direct your preferences to?

Too early to know at this point of time.



Suburb of residence:


How long have you lived in Casey?

I am living in the City of Casey for the last 17 years.

Political party (past and present):


Occupation, business/employer name:

Family Violence Practitioner/Case Manager.

Property interests:


Business interests:


Three most important issues for your ward:

Integrity and transparency, Cleaner and Safer Casey, Building a Community Hub and Youth Programs.

Describe your involvement in the local community:

I was former Board member of Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre, Organiser of Food and Essentials Hampers during lockdown, Head of Fundraising for Bushfire relief in 2020, Coordinator of Building Respectful Relationships Project 2021-Current (Primary Prevention of Family Violence project) Founder and three times Former President of Victorian Afghan Associations Network, Founder and Former President of Hazara Shamama Association and Winner of Bruce Volunteer Recognition Award in 2023.

Why are you standing for election?

I am running the council election for integrity, transparency, and addressing key issues that matter to residents. I am committed to ensuring that decisions are made openly, with full accountability, and that the concerns of the community—such as infrastructure, safety, and service quality—are addressed fairly and responsibly, to build a stronger, more responsive local government.

What is your campaign budget?

My campaign budget would be around $5000 or $6000.

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed

My donors will be public and they will donate around $5000.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

Nobody helped me.

Who will you direct your preferences to?

I will direct my preferences to Asher Coleman and Lynette Pereira.



Suburb of residence:

Hampton Park.

How long have you lived in Casey?

38 years in Hampton Park.

Political party (past and present):

I was in the Greens until 2014. I am now completely Independent and not a member of any party.

Occupation, business/employer name:

Customer Support – Mountain Top (transitioning to RealTruck) in Dandenong South.

Property interests:


Business interests:


Three most important issues for your ward:

Getting decent councillors to represent us who understand and comply with Good Governance. The Hallam Rd Tip/proposed Waster Transfer Station, and Community Safety and Harmony.

Describe your involvement in the local community:

As a former River Gum Ward Councillor from 2008 to 2012 I have been very involved in the local community where I also raised my four children. I cofounded the WesternPort Action Group fighting the Port of Hastings expansion which impacted on our local area also particularly the inland ports. I have been a vocal opponent of the Hallam Rd Tip expansion. I was involved in the local HP Tennis Club many years ago, I was a Board member of the Hampton Park Community House. I was the Secretary of the Southern Migrant & Refugee Centre for several years.

Why are you standing for election?

Because I am experienced and qualified and understand Good Governance which was lacking in the last two councils. I am a GAICD – Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and I have a Grad. Dip in Management. My last two campaigns suffered enormously from the interference in council elections as mentioned in the IBAC investigations. This time I hope it is a fair election. I am very passionate about our community and I have many great ideas and initiatives which I would love to implement in Casey.

What is your campaign budget?

Around $2000. I am self-funded.

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed?

None. Only me and my savings.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?


Who will you direct your preferences to?

I am directing my 2nd Preference to Nazir Yousafi, 3rd to Asher Coleman, 4th to Garry Page, 5th to Geoff Hansen, 6th to Damien Rosario and 7th to Wayne Smith.



Suburb of residence:

Narre Warren South.

How long have you lived in Casey?

8 years.

Political party (past and present):

Freedom Party.

Occupation, business/employer name:

Hansen Instrument Services; self-employed for the maintenance of electrical equipment.

Property interests:

Own our home in Narre Warren South

Three most important issues for your ward:

1/ Rates charges are too high 2/ Local roads are in poor condition and take too long to repair. 3/ Council accountability to residents.

Describe your involvement in the local community:

In the last state election I ran for the seat of Narre Warren South and I continue to be passionate about bringing improvements to this whole area.

Why are you standing for election?

1/ Rates are too high, this is a huge burden for the residents of River Gum and Casey. Our council must be accountable for how they spend our precious rates.

What is your campaign budget?

$1000 spent so far on signs and leaflets.

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed?

I have no donors, this money is from my own pocket.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

I have had no advice from councillors or MPs. I have some experience in running my campaign from when I ran for the state seat of Narre Warren South for the Freedom Party.

Who will you direct your preferences to?

Damien Rosario.



Suburb of residence:

Hampton Park in the River Gum Ward.

How long have you lived in Casey?

16 years.

Political party (past and present):

While I am a member of the Liberal Party, I am running as an independent candidate, staying true to my independent-minded approach as I always have.

Occupation, business/employer name:

IT Educator.

Property interests:


Business interests:

None personally, though I support business as a member of the Cranbourne Chamber of Commerce.

Three most important issues for your ward:

– The Hallam tip which affects several surrounding suburbs – I have previously advocated against this tip.

– Crime and community safety – Tackling both the perceived and real issues.

– Community engagement – supporting and fostering connections between residents, businesses and organisations, and community events.

Describe your involvement in the local community:

River Gum Ward Councillor 2012-2020. Since leaving council 4.5 years ago, I have continued to serve in various volunteer roles across the River Gum Ward and City. 2014 – Current (10 years) – Supporter, Committee member and President of Neighbourhood Watch Casey working with Council, Police, SES and CFA and other groups on community safety initiatives. 2020 – 2023 (3 years) – Former Committee member and President and (Current) volunteer, Merinda Park Learning and Community Centre (Cranbourne North). 2014 – Current (10 years) – Committee member and Former President, Doveton Show. 2013 – Current (11 years) – Supporter and Committee member, Hampton Park Progress Association helping with planning and running community events (Australia Day, ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day and other events). 2020 – Current (4 years) – Supporter and Secretary, Hampton Park Men’s Shed. 2013 – Current (11 years) Supporter of Scouting groups in Casey. Supporter and member of the Cranbourne Chamber of Commerce. Support Christmas Carols events in Hampton Park and Clyde. Supporting various community events in the local area. Supporting Cultural events and groups across Casey. Supporter of the Hampton Park Community House and Lynbrook Community Centre. Currently an active volunteer at St Vinnies Op Shop. Supporting and promoting local businesses. Supporting community fundraisers for various organisations and services. Advocacy for the needs of our community.

Why are you standing for election?

I am deeply committed to fostering a connected community, not just through words, but through meaningful actions. With 7.5 years of service on the council and an additional 4.5 years as a dedicated community volunteer, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role of Councillor. I have a clear vision for what our community can achieve and the ability to act swiftly, leveraging my understanding of how things work in council and community.

What is your campaign budget?

I haven’t made a final decision yet. I’ll take the time to consider my options carefully and will use my personal funds as needed.

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed?

I am personally financing my campaign, ensuring that it remains entirely my own endeavour.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

No one has assisted me.

Who will you direct your preferences to?

I am currently running independently and have not yet formed any specific preferences.


Suburb of residence: I live in Cranbourne North.

How long have you lived in Casey?

More than 5 years.

Political party (past and present):

I was a member of the greens when I was younger but left the party to work on practical solutions within our community, and have been an independent for over 5 years.

Occupation, business/employer name:

Community Services worker, Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre.

Property interests:

I own my own home within River Gum ward, no other property interests.

Business interests:

I’m a sole trader disability support worker as a side business based in River Gum.

Three most important issues for your ward:

Lack of youth, family and aged care services, the tip on Hallam road and proposed waste transfer station, and neglect of this community caused by corruption on council.

Describe your involvement in the local community:

I live and work in River Gum ward, delivering social service programs out of Lynbrook for the Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre. I founded a community group in Casey with 300 members and together we worked with councils to get sensible policies enacted. We won the Holt Australia Day award in 2021 for that work. I’ve also organised film screenings, supported local events, and volunteered my time in the community. In neighbouring Greater Dandenong I was the Chairman of the Sustainability Advisory Committee for 2 years.

Why are you standing for election?

Because our community needs someone with integrity who is willing to listen to them and represent them. We have had no representation for 4 and a half years because of a lack of integrity on council That culture needs to change. Secondly, I found it nearly impossible to get the services my father needed in the City of Casey, and at work I have seen how much worse off Casey has been than neighbouring councils when it comes to provision of essential services for young people, families and seniors. Lastly, everyone is entitled to a healthy environment. In River Gum ward, many people are affected by the tip and the mismanagement by Veolia. They deserve to have someone who will stand up for them.

What is your campaign budget?


Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed?

I’ve received donations from family and friends, otherwise self funded.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

I’ve talked widely with ex-councillors and MPs of all stripes, Independent, Labor, Liberals and Greens, but I’m running my own campaign and making my own decisions.

Who will you direct your preferences to?

My preferences will be 1. Asher Coleman. 2. Nazir Yousafi. 3. Lynette Pereira. 4. Garry Page. 5. Wayne Smith. 6. Damien Rosario. 7. Geoff Hansen.