Q & A with Sinead Fay from Lyndhurst Secondary College

Sinead Fay from Lyndhurst Secondary College. (Stewart Chambers: 420809)

Tell us about yourself and your work.

I have only been with Lyndhurst Secondary College (LSC) for four months. I mainly do marketing/graphic design for the school but also fill in at reception. I have been designing for approx. 20 years and love every bit of it.

What has been your most memorable moment during your work?

Most memorable moment was seeing the sports banners completed and flying proudly on our Athletics day.

What do you love about your work?

I love the varied work I do, I really love working with the students and the people I work with are already feeling like a family to me.

If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

I’d love to be an eagle.

What were you like as a kid?

I was born in Ireland, I didn’t like to get in trouble and I loved spending time with family.

What event, past or present, would you like to witness?

The time when Jesus walked the earth.

Which dinner guests, dead or alive, would you invite to dinner?

Jesus, Elvis, Trump, and my Grandparents.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Generous, fun, kind.

What would you do on your perfect ’day off’?

Spending time with my family.

Where is your happy place?

Home and church.

If you had to compete on MasterChef, what dish would you cook?


Where is your dream holiday destination?

Belfast, Ireland.