Students against bullying

From left to right: students Riley, Mason, Jorja, Liana in front of one of the displays which says "Bullying is Despicable". (Stewart Chambers: 425483_01)

Young students from Quarters Primary School raised awareness in light of the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, driving the message that ‘everyone belongs’.

Held on Friday 16 August, the young children recognised the day by encouraging everyone to “take a stand together” against bullying and violence in school, the classroom and beyond.

“We are in our second year, and this gives Quarters Primary School’s community the chance to promote the important work we do throughout the year to counter bullying and violence,” a member of the school’s well-being team said.

As part of the school’s social and emotional curriculum, the young learners discussed what bullying is and how they can prevent it, a topic that was covered throughout the week.

“Learners at QPS were very passionate about making a change and standing up for what is right,” the spokesperson said.

“[Also] to create a sense of belonging in our community as our learners feel we all have a vital role [to play] in preventing bullying.”

The learners worked in groups and teams across Prep to Grade Six in creating a display in each year level that focuses on learning strategies on how to get help if they experience bullying.

“All the year levels created a beautiful mural to demonstrate their eagerness to stand up against bullying through spreading kindness,” the spokesperson said.

Moving forward, the students aim to implement these values learned into everyday life, from school to other settings, but always adhering to the theme of everyone having a right to belong.