Q & A with Tooradin Ward candidate Ali Yaghobi

Tooradin Ward candidate Ali Yaghobi. (Supplied)

Tell us about yourself and the organisation you work for.

I’m Ali and I live in Clyde with my wife, two children and a mortgage! I came from Afghanistan to live in Australia in 2013.

I worked with the City of Casey from 2021 to 2023 as one of the coordinators for a Commonwealth-funded program that helped senior people (over 65) to be independent.

I am currently working with the City of Glen Eira as a diversity and inclusion officer.

What have been your most memorable moments during your time in the City of Casey?

One of the most memorable moments during my work with the City of Casey, was when I was a coordinator of a commonwealth-funded program called “Commonwealth Home Support Program”, (CHSP,) which existed to assist people over 65 years old with daily tasks and help them to be independent. We had around 176 staff, as direct care workers, and over 3500 clients from the City of Casey. One of my most memorable moments there was seeing how our dedicated and passionate staff were able to bring simile to our clients.

What do you love the most about working for your current organisation?

One of the main things that I love about my role as a Diversity and Inclusion Officer with the City of Glen Eira is the emphasis from the organisation on inclusion and diversity. We have a diversity and inclusion team which is made up of officers working with senior people, carers, people with disabilities, Indigenous and first nation people, LGBTIQA + and people with multicultural backgrounds (which is my portfolio).

If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

I would be an eagle. I associate eagles with the idea of being strong, smart and determined, which relates to my own ideals and vision as to how I can help the Casey community.

I think it’s important we have a big, positive and clear vision for our community, so that our children and grandchildren can thrive in the future.

What were you like as a kid?

I used to play soccer a lot with my friends. We had to walk almost an hour or so to get to a field to play, but it always felt that it was worth it, and I always treasured that memory and the sense of community I was able to enjoy with those around me.

What event, past or present would you like to witness?

I would like to see a future where the City of Casey becomes one of the most liveable places in Australia. Where people feel safe with access to good health, a clean environment with plenty of recreations, open spaces and parks with good and reliable public transport and access to the essential services that they need.

Which six dinner guests, dead or alive, would you invite to dinner?

I would have to pick my brothers and sisters who are overseas. I unfortunately don’t get to see them to often, due to them living overseas. However, if I could organise for any six people to be invited to a dinner, it would be them.

What three words would your friend use to describe you?

Friendly, optimistic and caring.

What would you do on your perfect day off?

My perfect day off would involve spending time and playing with my children (kicking the soccer ball around, playing hide and seek.) watching a movie, and relaxing before I go to bed by reading a dozen or so pages of a book (a physical one!).

Where is your happy place?

My home is the happiest place for me where we (my children and wife) all come together and often ask each other about how our day have been. To me, our home is the smallest unit of a community and is the part of my day that I look the most forward to.

If you had to complete Master Chef, what dish would you cook?

I’m not much of a cook, but one of my go-to dishes when cooking for my family would be spaghetti bolognese, which I’m certain would win over even the harshest of critics.

Where is your dream holiday destination?

I would like to see Australia’s beautiful landscapes first before holidaying overseas. My ideal holiday would be a trip to Queensland (Cairns) a place where I haven’t been to but heard a lot about its unique landscape and environments, with varieties of activities that you can do as a family, with a particular highlight being The Great Barrier Reef, one of the great natural wonders of our world.