Q & A with Tooradin Ward candidate Anthony Tassone

Tooradin Ward candidate Anthony Tassone. (Violet Li: 419757)

Tell us about yourself and the organisation(s) you work for.

I have been married for 17 years to my wife Lauren who is a midwife and we have three children: Max, Ella and Ruby who all attend a local high school.

As health professionals, my wife and I have spent our professional careers serving and caring for others which we feel very strongly about.

I was born and raised in Mildura and moved to Melbourne when I was 18 to study pharmacy at university. Growing up in the country gave me a strong sense of the importance of community and how important primary producers and industry is to our employment and our economy.

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia is a member’s association that represents Australia’s 6000 community pharmacies. Pharmacies are the most frequently visited and accessible primary healthcare destination in Australia. Patients are receiving more primary health services from their local pharmacy including vaccinations and prescribing for some conditions such as antibiotics for urinary tract infections and antivirals for shingles. The Guild advocates governments at the State and Federal level to promote pharmacy as a primary health care service for the Australian public.

TerryWhiteChemmart Clyde which I am a co proprietor of has been operating since December 2015 when the Shopping on Clyde Centre first opened. Over time we have grown with the community and provide many services to the local public including Medicine organiser packs which we home deliver, vaccinations, in-pharmacy and in-home medicine reviews as well as everyday health advice. We have been a proud supporter of Ovarian Cancer Australia and over the years through our annual fundraising events have raised tens of thousands of dollars to help increase awareness and fund research.

What has been your most memorable moment during your time in that (those) organisation (s)?

A once-in-a-century global pandemic with COVID was very memorable both as a pharmacist in my pharmacy and being a representative of the Pharmacy Guild. Our pharmacy kept our doors open and turned up every day to provide care and advice for our community. At first, pharmacies were not part of the COVID vaccination roll-out and as part of my role with the Pharmacy Guild, I advocated strongly that pharmacists should be able to administer the vaccine and patients receive it from their local pharmacy. In September 2021, I stood with Premier Andrews at a live-to-air press conference to promote the COVID vaccine rollout through pharmacy. It was a very difficult time for everyone, and I am proud of the contribution my pharmacy colleagues and my pharmacy team made in helping keep our patients and community safe and looking after them.

What do you love the most about working for the organisation (s)?

Helping make a difference to people’s health and wellbeing every day both as a local pharmacist at the local level and advocating for primary healthcare on a state and national level.

If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

I’m a dog person. I love how dogs are loyal and give unconditional love. I can relate to that.

What were you like as a kid?

As a kid, I was a little more quiet than I am now but have always had a determination to ‘have a go’ and make a difference even as a School captain of my primary school at Irymple Primary outside Mildura. In a country primary school, we had large class sizes often with multiple year levels. I remember helping my schoolmates with their maths and other work if the teacher was busy. I have always enjoyed reaching out and helping others from a young age.

What event, past or present, would you like to witness?

I would have loved to have been at the Sydney Olympics in 2000. Seeing Australian athletes representing our country and winning Gold at home brought immense pride to our great country.

Which six dinner guests, dead or alive, would you invite to dinner?

I would have a mix of entertainers, creative people and world leaders who I think would be interesting: Winston Churchill, Queen Elizabeth II, Marilyn Monroe, Nelson Mandela, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Robin Williams.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Determined. Approachable. Leader.

What would you do on your perfect ‘day off’?

Spend it with my family in any activity we could all actually agree on! I love going to the beach and spending time near the water so a day trip or spending any time on the coast works for me. We often go to Phillip Island and Tooradin bakery is a must stop on the way there or home for their delicious bread and pies!

Where is your happy place?

Walking my cavoodle Betty around the local neighbourhood. I do my best thinking when I am out walking with her. Also playing guitar helps clear my mind.

If you had to compete on MasterChef, what dish would you cook?

Pasta is my favourite food so my go-to dish would be fresh homemade Spaghetti bolognese with pork and veal and a nice glass of Australian red wine.

Where is your dream holiday destination?

Being from an Italian background I would love to take the family on a trip to Europe to learn more about the history and experience the culture.