Holt MP Cassandra Fernando held her fourth and biggest Neighbourhood Morning Tea at the Cranbourne West Community Hub on Thursday 20 June, with over 200 people attending the good cause.
Ms Fernando spoke about the recent federal budget and highlighted some of the major policies targeted at older Australians such as the $300 Energy Bill rebate and, the 10 per cent increase to Commonwealth Rental Assistance.
Special guest NDIS and Government Services MP Bill Shorten spoke about the reforms to get the NDIS back on track after a decade of neglect by the former Government.
Other participants at the event included the team from Casey Cranbourne Men’s Shed to promote men’s mental and staff from Services Australia who helped people troubleshoot issues with pensions and other government services.
Ms Fernando said forums like Neighbourhood Morning Tea were vital for her to meet members of her community and hear their concerns, issues, and feedback.
“Bill Shorten was a fantastic speaker and really engaged the audience around quite a complicated topic,” she said.
“Thank you to everyone who attended on the morning please continue to share your thoughts and concerns with me.
“Stay involved, stay informed, and let’s keep working towards a better future for Cranbourne.”
Previous morning teas held in Narre Warren South and Blind Bight included a cyber security professional, Victorian Energy Resources MP Lily D’Ambrosio, and Toni Arfaras a speaker from the Stroke Foundation.