By Violet Li
Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria revealed that it had not started the licence assessment process with the proposed waste transfer station next to the Hallam Road Landfill.
In a letter to community members in the area, EPA said that it received an incomplete application from Veolia, the landfill operator, for a development licence on 24 January.
“An updated development licence application was received on 28 May 2024 and is now being reviewed by EPA to determine if it is complete,” the letter said.
“Once EPA is satisfied it has a complete application, the assessment will start including advertising and community consultation.”
Lynbrook Residents Association president Scott Watson said residents were encouraged by this letter that it would provide protection from industries which were not appropriate within or near a community.
When contacted on Tuesday 18 June, a spokesperson for EPA said they were now reviewing the additional information and if the application was accepted, they would progress using the most robust and transparent practices, and as they did with all licence applications.
EPA would take into account the applicant’s previous performance, compliance history and any judicial outcomes, and current and draft guidelines issued by the organisation.
“The community will be further consulted in this process,” they said.
To read more about the EPA Development Licence application process, go to epa.vic.gov.au/for-business/permissions/licences