Driver crashes at 0.275


A police blitz has led to dozens of drivers in Casey being hit with a collective 350 fines, including a driver who was allegedly five-and-a-half times the legal alcohol limit after crashing his car.

The 36-year-old man from Hampton Park was involved in a crash on Hallam South Road, Hampton Park and allegedly blew a reading of 0.275.

His license was immediately suspended and he was charged with drink driving, careless driving and failing to give way.

The man was summonsed to appear at Dandenong Magistrates’ Court at a later date.

These were among 343 offences detected during Operation Malleus from 27 May to 31 May and Operation Sizzle on 4 June.

Other notable results were:

– Eight drivers detected with illicit drugs in their system. The final results are pending forensic analysis.

– 106 motorists caught speeding

– 11 suspended, disqualified or unlicensed drivers

– Two learner drivers involved in collisions with a full-license holder in the passenger seat

During both operations, almost 1200 preliminary breath tests and 328 preliminary oral fluid tests were conducted.

Senior Sergeant David Hewatt of Greater Dandenong, Casey and Cardinia Highway Patrol said similar operations were expected in the future.

“It’s extremely disappointing to see so many people continue to flout the law and put themselves and other road users in serious danger.

“Making the selfish decision to get behind the wheel under the influence of drugs or alcohol can end or drastically change lives in a matter of seconds.

“We will continue to conduct these operations and remove dangerous drivers from our roads.”