Call for blankets

Courtesy of The Lost Dogs’ Home in a blanket. Picture: Supplied

The Lost Dogs’ Home is calling on everyone who is an animal lover to get behind the 2024 Big Blankie Drive.

The annual call out for blankets to keep our animals warm and snug is now on, and the Home is hoping the community will get behind the appeal and support the animals.

The Home’s Spokesperson Suzana Talevski said both its North Melbourne and Cranbourne shelters were critically low on blankets with freezing temperatures already gripping the State.

‘’Blankets are used for bedding for more than 18,000 animals coming through our doors every year, it is crucial we have enough to go around,’’ she said.

‘’Sadly, this year we have had an enormous increase of animals arriving at our shelters, so the need is even more critical than previous years.’’

Ms Talevski said the annual appeal was something Victorians, and even those across our borders around the country looked forward to being involved.

‘’Australian’s love their pets so much so the thought of other dogs and cats being in need is something that really does resonate with so many people in our communities,’’ she said.

‘’We know everyone out there will help us where possible and do a clean out of their homes and drop off blankets that are in good condition to our shelters, so our animals have a warm comfortable bed to sleep in at night like all pets deserve.’’

Please note that unfortunately the Home can’t use doonas, pillows or sheets.

These items can be very difficult to clean and maintain for reuse.

Much needed donations can be dropped off or couriered to:

The Lost Dogs’ Home North Melbourne: 2 Gracie Street, North Melbourne, Victoria 3051

The Lost Dogs’ Home Cranbourne: 920 Thompsons Road, Cranbourne West, Victoria 3977