The story of the platypus

Platypus artwork by Aboriginal artist Melanie Hava. Picture: SUPPLIED

Proud Wamba Wamba man and storyteller Uncle Ron tells the story of the platypus.

The little platypus is related to everyone, there’s not one animal that’s not related to him, and they respect him.

Back in the Dreamtime, the animals tried to get him to get involved in a big fight that happened, with all the different animals, reptiles and fish.

They tried to convince the platypus to join them.

He kept saying to them, “Come back and see me in two days.“

All of the animals arrived to see which ones he was going to side with.

Sitting behind he bush was an Aboriginal man, a warrior.

He was watching all this going on.

The platypus answered, “I don’t want to join any of you, I don’t want to fight.“

The platypus continued, “I don’t want to hurt anybody, I like you all.“

The Aboriginal man watching decided it was such a wise decision the platypus had made, and that the people were never to harm him.

So the platypus was another animal that the Aboriginal people never ever ate, because he was wise.