Young leaders announced

Cranbourne MP Pauline Richards and Quarters Primary School principal Liz Davey joined junior school councillors Chinmayi, Eythan, Pranav, Husam, Milan, Rhemat and Aayan to celebrate their appointment. Pictures: MATTHEW SIMS 339338

The Quarters Primary School has welcomed in its first student leadership team.

Cranbourne MP Pauline Richards visited the school on Friday 2 June to present the leadership team with their badges.

School principal Liz Davey said the inaugural leaders were made up of school captain and vice captains, house captains and Junior School Councillors.

“The school held leadership nominations at the beginning of the year to allow new students the opportunity to nominate themselves and demonstrate their leadership skills within their new school community,” she said.

“The Year 6 student leaders delivered a speech about the importance of leadership and the qualities needed to be a good leader and how they can uphold the Quarters Primary School values under the banner of ACHIEVE (acceptance, creativity, high expectations, inclusion, empathy, valued and excellence).

“Our newest school leaders are looking forward to the year ahead leaders as they embark on their 2023 student leadership journey at Quarters Primary School.”

Speaking at the special assembly, Ms Richards said the leadership qualities found within the pupils was the result of support from their teachers, parents and the broader school community.

“You’re raising some terrific young people,” she said.

Ms Richards said it was “a great joy” for her to attend the school and see the progress of the school since it opened on Tuesday 31 January.

“It’s lovely to see the garden coming along,” she said.

“You can see the results of the students’ development and the school’s values in their behaviour.”

Matthew Sims