Detox your home

Casey residents will be able to safely dispose of household chemicals at the Detox Your Home event in June. Picture: GENERIC

It’s time to clean those unwanted household chemicals out of your shed, cupboard and from under the sink.

Sustainability Victoria will be holding a Detox Your Home event on Saturday 24 June.

Detox Your Home is a free and convenient service for householders to safely dispose of everyday household chemicals, oils and cosmetics.

With community safety in mind, this event is drive-through, contactless and supported by a COVIDSafe plan.

Chemicals accepted include fuels and flammable liquids, herbicides, pesticides, pool chemicals and poisons.

Household chemicals such as cleaners, bleach, ammonia, oven cleaner, solvents, cooking oil, cosmetics and fire extinguishers will also be accepted.

Other accepted toxic items include car chemicals and gas cylinders.

Chemicals that cannot be accepted include paints, thermometers containing mercury and motor oil.

Detox your Home events are staffed by expert chemists who identify and sort the chemicals for safe transport back to a licenced facility in Melbourne where they are processed for reuse or safe disposal.

Chemicals collected are processed and recovered or recycled wherever possible.

If they cannot be reused in any way, they are safely disposed of.

Places are limited and registrations are essential.

No walk-ins accepted.

To register, visit

Akoonah Park, 2 Cardinia St, Berwick on Saturday 24 June, 9am-3pm.