Community centre opens doors

Maree Cullinan (left, manger, Balla Balla) and artist Sohail Yamin (who designed the community art piece called Together), admire the artwork. Pictures: ROB CAREW 324688_01

Balla Balla Community Centre welcomed more than 800 visitors on Saturday 25 March.

The centre held its first Open Day at its new location on Selandra Boulevard in Clyde North.

“The event was beyond amazing,” said centre manager Maree Cullinan.

“The day had a very festive feel with lots of movement, colour and people.”

The day had many activities on offer, including Tai Chi, face painting, a children’s craft area, henna tattooing and a butterfly stilt walker.

There were also reptiles roving around and free food galore.

Over 30 stalls showcased their community spirit.

The visitors were also encouraged to participate in a community art project.

“The Community Art Project we did on the day was called Together,” Maree said.

“When developing this piece with Sohail Yamin I wanted to bring both Balla Balla Community Centre community together with the Selandra Community, thus the name of the project was born – Together.

“The event really bought that home with so many people coming together to celebrate the day.”

Maree said there were people who had been part of Balla Balla for 15 years alongside people who had joined this year.

“I think the day gave people a chance to come in and experience who Balla Balla Community Centre is,” she said.

“It was a fun and festive day with lots of smiles and laughter.

“People also got to experience how important those community connections are to create a sense of belonging, which is what every person wants.”

Balla Balla will continue to host festive events throughout the year.

These include Science Week activities, the Biggest Morning Tea, Get Online Week and free come and try programs.