Homelessness in Victoria is at alarming levels.
New data shows homelessness is 24 per cent higher in Victoria than five years ago.
In Casey, homelessness has risen 44.7 per cent since 2016.
A 2016 census reported 1280 homeless people in Casey.
Current data shows the number has risen to 1852 people.
Wayss homelessness and housing general manager Shari McPhail said the Census showed an “extraordinary” rise in children in families experiencing homelessness in the South East – up 115 per cent in Casey, 61 per cent in Greater Dandenong and 77 per cent in Cardinia Shire.
On any given night, Wayss has about 35 families, including 80 children, in crisis accommodation in hotels.
“Before now, we could put case management around these families and find longer-term rental accommodation. That’s now becoming more and more difficult,” Ms McPhail said.
“The capacity for us to assist is diminishing.
“We’re using government funds for crisis accommodation more than for getting people in affordable, long-term housing.”
Boarding houses aren’t suitable for families, the 64,000-strong public housing waiting list is growing and affordable rentals are harder to find.
So, hotels were being used for “significant” periods, until families find housing or family and friends to stay with.
“It’s really unsettling for them,” Ms McPhail said.
“These hotels do the best they can but they don’t have cooking facilities, the family all sleep in the same room and it can be difficult to get children to school.”
Ms McPhail said there was a desperate need for more social and affordable housing.
“Despite the State Government’s Big Housing Build, which has been a terrific investment in social and affordable housing, we’re decades behind in social housing per capita.”
Census data released on Wednesday 22 March revealed 30,660 people are homeless in Victoria.
The numbers confirm the urgent need for a strategy to end homelessness.
Victoria’s 24 per cent increase eclipsed the national rise of 5 per cent.
The numbers are believed to be the state’s most accurate picture of homelessness.
This is because the Census was conducted during Victoria’s lockdown, allowing more people to be reached and counted.
Council to Homeless Persons CEO Deborah Di Natale said the situation required an immediate response.
“This alarming surge in homelessness must be the catalyst for the State Government to act urgently by continuing to invest, and there are solutions,” she said said.
“These grim numbers show exactly why the Victorian Government must fund highly successful programs like From Homelessness to a Home, which provides stable housing and support for people who are sleeping rough.
“H2H has successfully housed people placed in hotels during Covid but the numbers today reveal more is needed.”
Ms Di Natale says a clear, comprehensive strategy to end homelessness is needed.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander homelessness in Victoria grew more than 40 per cent to 1109 people over the past five years.
Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Forum (AHHF) chair and Aboriginal Housing Victoria CEO Darren Smith said a pledge is needed.
“No more empty promises or vague targets – we need an initial pledge to build a minimum 300 houses a year in Victoria for First Nations people, because these Census figures show us how catastrophic inaction is,” he said.
“Further, the Federal Government’s Housing Australia Future Fund will fail to address the breadth of housing needs faced by Aboriginal Victorians unless 10 per cent of new dwellings are specifically provided for First Nations peoples in urban, regional and remote areas.”
Ms Di Natale said responding to growing levels of First Nations homelessness needed to be an integral part of the state’s strategy.
“It’s simply not good enough that First Nations people are massively over-represented in homelessness figures.
“That’s why CHP is urging the government to create a pool of 600 properties for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people leaving prison and at-risk of being homeless.
“We need an Aboriginal-specific homelessness system in Victoria fully funded and implemented.”
The new data has reiterated the need for the Victorian Government to make the following commitments to end homelessness stated in the May State Budget.
The Victorian Government committed to build 6000 new social housing properties each year for at least a decade.
They also committed to ensure 10 per cent, or 600, of those properties are owned by Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations.
The Victorian Government is set to spend $47.5 million in 2023/24 to keep From Homelessness To A Home being gutted on 30 June, with $224.4 million over the next four years to continue and grow the program.
“The solutions to end homelessness within reach, and this government has demonstrated they are committed through past investment in H2H and the Big Housing Build,” Ms Di Natale said.
“We just need to see the political will to continue to invest to end homelessness.
“Now we’ve seen the true extent of homelessness, we urge the Victorian Government to respond to the crisis engulfing our state.”