Former Chisholm student Rosie Batty AO inspires graduates

Graduates celebrated as they walked off the stage.

Leading education and training provider Chisholm Institute held its 2023 Graduation Ceremony at Frankston Arts Centre last week, with 128 students taking to the stage to receive their academic awards.

Students graduated from a wide variety of courses, including Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, Certificate IV in Disability and Bachelor of Engineering Technology.

As part of the ceremony, attendees heard from guest speaker and former Chisholm student, Rosie Batty AO, who epitomises what it means to overcome adversity.

Ms Batty, who was named Australian of the Year in 2015 in recognition for her work as a passionate campaigner against domestic violence, previously undertook a Diploma of Community Welfare at Chisholm’s Frankston campus.

Ms Batty said her experience at Chisholm gave her the foundational knowledge she needed to become a leading voice for victims of family violence, following the tragic death of her son Luke, at the hands of his father in 2014.

“One of the subjects that I studied during my diploma was family violence, and that gave me the theoretical understanding and foundational knowledge to assist me on my journey to raise awareness of family violence, whilst challenging and seeking to change community attitudes.

“My education foundations began at Chisholm, and I have certainly grown and developed enormously since then. Opportunities will become available to you throughout your life as well, and I encourage you to embrace them as they arise.

“I realise that life is a journey, a journey of continuous learning, and I learnt much from the two years I spent at Chisholm,” Ms Batty said.

The 2023 student cohort faced unique challenges as a result of the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and Chisholm’s chief of education, Conor Mullan, said these experiences will hold them in good stead in the years to come.

“Find your passion and have the courage to pursue the job that will fulfill you, and bring you joy. Seek out those who can help and support you along the way, keep your networks strong, and above all, always be true to yourself,” Mullan said.

“It’s important to acknowledge your support networks who have helped you get to this point,” Mullan continued.

“On behalf of Chisholm, I would like to offer each of our graduands our most sincere congratulations on everything you have accomplished,” Mullan said.