By Marcus Uhe
SBI Inert Landfill have announced they have recommenced landfilling activities onsite, following the installation of a flare for their onsite landfill gas extraction system on Tuesday 13 September.
The flare will allow the system to begin drawing-out and burning off odorous landfill gas before it enters the atmosphere, in a process referred to as ‘flaring’ SBI said.
“A team of technicians are onsite busy calibrating and balancing the flare to ensure it performs at optimal efficiency,” SBI said on Thursday 15 September. “This will be continually monitored and adjusted over the coming days.”
The EPA issued another improvement notice to SBI on Monday 12 September requiring them to meet the conditions of their operating license.
They were given a deadline of 18 October to engage a qualified environmental practitioner to address the odour issues and develop an interim contingency plan.
On Tuesday 13 September, the EPA revised an improvement notice issued regarding their Risk Management and Monitoring Program (RMMP), following advice for an independent auditor.
An audit of the landfill’s operations and RMMP will be conducted before any changes are made, the EPA said.
SBI must ensure compliance with the RMMP and allow an EPA appointed auditor to complete an audit of their landfill operations by 30 November.