Car concern

Richard Ulgun wants better access for disabled parking permit holders at the Cranbourne Integrated Care Centre. 293239_01 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Marcus Uhe

The lack of accessibility for disabled permit car users at Cranbourne Integrated Care Centre has Richard Ulgun frustrated.

Mr Ulgun attends the facility to take his mother, Margaret, to her appointments at the centre, which offers a wide variety of services including dental care, day surgery and optometry.

He is entitled to park in a disability priority space as his mother suffers from dementia.

The nearest parking facilities, however, are roughly an 80-metre metre walk from the main entrance, and don’t offer the safety of a footpath or marked pedestrian area on the driveway between the entrance and parking area.

Margaret uses a walking frame or a cane to assist with her mobility issues.

The closest door is currently only accessible for staff.

There are three drop-and-go parking spaces in the driveway outside the front door, which he believes should be changed to disabled parking spaces.

“Disability parking spaces should be at door of the front entrance,” Mr Ulgun said.

“Shopping centres have them at the front door. There are no options for parking on main street (Sladen Street).

“There should be three disabled parking permits based at the entrance and two on the main road. That would make five. That would be a fair compromise for the state of this place. That would be a bare minimum.

“I can’t imagine how many other people are frustrated by the layout.”

It is understood the current temporary measures have been made to the entrances at the facility as a measure to protect staff, visitors and patients.