By Marcus Uhe
The term ‘influencer’ often prompts condescension and eye-rolls at the thought of immaculately curated social media posts and advertising tacitly disguised as ‘content’.
But Managing Director at Nova Business Services Dale Wyatt is embracing the term, having taken-out the Business Influencer of the Year title at the Cranbourne Chamber of Commerce’s ‘Love Your Local’ business awards on Thursday 24 March.
“The term can be frowned upon but even a social media influencer is an influencer because they inspire a lot of people,” Mr Wyatt said.
“Whether they use it to make money, it doesn’t matter, people idolise them.”
The outbreak of Covid-19 presented numerous economic challenges for businesses as they navigated the implications of Federal Government financial assistance through Jobseeker and Jobkeeper payments.
Through his and his team at Nova Business Services’ financial guidance, Mr Wyatt was successful in helping local businesses thrive and survive during a daunting and uncertain period.
“We didn’t know what to do originally, we all hit the panic button and lot of clients did too, we thought we would all go broke,” Mr Wyatt said
“Businesses were relying on government payments to help stay viable.
“We helped explain to them how to manage it and what repercussions are.
“Small business owners didn’t know anything about it and owners put their head in the sand.
“People ask me for ideas and our job is to look at it from a financial and practical state as to whether or not they should pursue it.”
What appeared to be a bleak outlook for financial management services ended-up being a boon for Nova , according to Mr Wyatt.
“We turned over more in the last two years than we ever have.”
More information about Nova Business Services can be found at novabookkeeping.com.au/