Talking to heal

Katelyn's podcast Our Journey can be listened to on Spotify now.

By Shelby Brooks

A Clyde North woman has taken the plunge and started her own podcast, sharing stories of trauma as a way of healing.

Katelyn Dawson-Brunsch has been through a lot in her 21 years and believes the best way to heal is to talk.

“My mythology is when you start to talk about it, you start to heal from what you’ve been through,” she said.

“I always thought I was meant to do a lot more with my life, I know that sounds cheesy but I’ve been through a lot of trauma and horrible things.

“I thought about writing a book, but podcasts are the new thing, everyone listens to them these days.”

Her podcast, called Our Journey, will share her own story of trauma, as well as other people who want to share their journeys.

“I want the podcast to be a safe space for other people to share their stories with no judgement,” Katelyn said.

The tag line is ‘our journey starts here’, reflecting that this will not just be her story, but for anyone who wants to share their experiences.

She released her first episode on Saturday 28 August- a little introduction to the idea behind the podcast.

“I got so many messages from people saying they were proud of me and excited and glad I’m doing it so have to keep going now,” Katelyn said.

Available on Spotify, the podcast will cover a range of topics such as domestic violence, suicide, cancer, bullying, rape, and PTSD, with guest speakers on each topic.

Katelyn did a call out on social media to see if any other survivors wanted to share their stories on her show.

“Two hours after posting about it, I had 50 messages from people wanting to talk. By the next morning, I had 150- it went crazy,” she said.

“I’ve got about 200 episodes written down, so I can’t give up on it.”

Katelyn has also started an Instagram page for the podcast, called ourjourney_podcast_byk