Despite lockdown, show must go on

The stage is set for November. Picture: MARK SYMONDS

By Danielle Kutchel

Lockdown has forced the postponement of another community theatre show – but the cast and crew are hoping that at some point, the show will go on.

BATS Theatre Company has been forced to postpone its show, The Full Monty, twice now thanks to separate lockdowns.

The show was originally scheduled for last year and some auditions had already been completed when lockdown was called, and the decision was made to postpone the show to 2021.

Earlier this year, people turned out in droves to audition for the remaining roles – so much so that the show has a bigger cast than expected.

Director of the show, Michelle Zintschenko, said there had been a sense of optimism amongst all those who had auditioned to take part – a feeling that “life is short, let’s get out and do something”, she said.

The cast and crew began rehearsing in earnest and were ready to hit the stage.

“Everything was ready to go, when we were told we were going into lockdown on what was supposed to be our opening night,” Michelle said.

The news was devastating.

“To get that close and then have it pulled was quite heartbreaking,” she added.

The stage is still set up in the theatre and the costumes are ready to be worn.

BATS is hoping the show will now be able to go ahead on 18-21 November.

Rehearsals will resume in October, either online or in person depending on the restrictions at the time.

“The cast are really keen and enthusiastic and they’ve put in all this work,”

Michelle said.

Meanwhile, BATS has been forging ahead selecting shows for performances next year.

“We’ve got to hope and keep going,” Michelle said.

“People are going to need shows and entertainment more than ever.”

She said people could support BATS by coming along to the show in November.

“It’s an uplifting, fun show with lots of relatable themes,” she added.

Tickets are currently being sold based on the minimum capacity of the venue, and customers can book with confidence as refunds will be given if the show doesn’t take place.

To find out more or to book tickets, visit or find BATS Theatre Company Inc on Facebook.