Mission never wavered

Tim Mollenhauer and Anthony Cheeseman from L'Arté Central Social Enterprise Café, Florist and Art Space. Picture: GARY SISSONS 236511_19

By Danielle Kutchel

For Cranbourne East’s L’Arte Central Social Enterprise Cafe, Florist and Art Space, there was never an option of closing down during the pandemic.

The cafe is built on the premise of being there for people – not just those in the wider community, but its staff too.

So when Covid hit, the cafe’s management team was determined to make it through.

L’Arte has since been named a finalist in the resilience category of the 2021 Casey Business Awards, a recognition that manager Anthony Cheeseman said was really about the community the café serves.

“We knew that going into lockdown meant that as a community, that bond between us and the community was even more needed,” he said.

“It works both ways. We needed the community as much as they needed us.”

Over the pandemic L’Arte dished out thousands of meals for those in need across Casey, partnering with charities as well as the council itself to ensure no one went hungry.

This also meant the cafe was able to keep its staff employed.

“They are the resilient ones,” Mr Cheeseman said of his employees, who watched as the café’s transactions plummeted during lockdown before picking up again once restrictions eased.

L’Arte also took to delivering its beautiful flower arrangements and award-winning pies directly to people’s doorsteps during Covid, often staying for a quick, masked-up and socially-distanced chat through the front door.

Sometimes the delivery person would be the only human the recipient had seen in sometime during lockdown, and Mr Cheeseman said the interaction often helped to perk people up during a difficult time.

“We were that real connection, that heart-to-heart connection with the community and individuals. That’s what we try to do really well,” he explained.

“Our catchcry is we don’t employ people to make coffee, food or flowers; we make coffee, food or flowers to employ people.”

Through its activities the café is able to provide employment for at risk and disadvantaged people, giving them stability, training and real-world job experience that will stand them in good stead in the future.

That mission never wavered, even during Covid, thanks to what Mr Cheeseman described as a willingness to give things a go during the pandemic.

He said the staff are excited for the upcoming Business Awards gala night at which the winners of the award categories will be announced.

It’s a chance for his staff to let their hair down and celebrate their achievements and resilience over the last 18 months.

“They feel pretty chuffed. It’s good for them; I get a kick out of it for them,” he said.

The winners of the 2021 Casey Business Awards will be announced in July.