Popular restaurant closes down

Rob and Brigitte are now looking to the future. 241930_05

By Danielle Kutchel

A popular Tooradin eatery is shutting up shop.

La Casa Sawtellis has announced it will close on Sunday 18 July.

In a Facebook post, the owners of the restaurant said “many considerations” had contributed to their decision.

Speaking to Star News Group, owner Rob said the team had faced their “ups and downs” over the restaurant’s seven years of operation.

More recently, a combination of Covid and the landlord’s desire to sell the property have helped force the decision to close.

“It’s horrible, we put our lives into this,” Rob said.

But there have been a number of highlights too.

“Meeting new people and making new acquaintances” were among the memories that had been made, Rob said, as well as bringing live music to the area.

The owners are now looking at other options for the future – and Rob said they may even come back to the area.

“We’ve got to step back, reflect and if something else comes up, we’ll look at it,” he said.

“We’d like to stay in Tooradin. We’ve made a lot of friends around this area.”

In the meantime, he, Brigitte and the team thanked customers for their ongoing support over the years.

For more information including closing down sales, visit the La Casa Sawtellis Facebook page.