By Brendan Rees
Devon Meadows residents have called for action on unsealed roads with many frustrated with their deteriorating conditions.
Two petitions were tabled at Casey Council’s meeting in December – asking council to seal Meadow Road and Olive Road.
Residents have cited problems such as ruts and potholes, and vehicles whipping up dirt and dust.
Head petitioner Bert Mallett said he hoped the roads would be sealed without delay.
The petition also called on council to organise a public meeting to discuss the construction of the roads and whether a special charge scheme would be involved – which would split the costs of the project between council and ratepayers.
“It costs a lot more to maintain the roads (while unsealed),” Mr Mallet said.
“For me and other residents it’s more about seeing some reinvestment back into the area.”
Most people, he said, were “over the dust and the mud and their cars constantly being dirty.”
Last September, he lodged a petition of 19 signatures asking council to seal Worthing Road but hadn’t “heard anything yet.”
He said a meeting with council was organised in December regarding Worthing Road but had been postponed to January.
Mr Mallet said he would also try to seek the support of Federal MP for Holt Anthony Byrne for the road projects.
Casey Council manager of city design and construction Trevor Griffin said Meadow Road, Olive Road and Worthing Road in Devon Meadows could be subsidised through a special charge scheme if this was supported by a majority of residents.
“At the Council Meeting on 17 December, council released a draft revised Special Charge Scheme Policy for public consultation. The community will be invited to review and provide feedback on this draft policy in the coming week via Casey Conversations,” Mr Griffen said.
“As part of this draft revised policy, council is proposing to now contribute 25 per cent towards the sealing of local residential roads, where previously the total cost was borne by residents.
“The petition for the sealing of Meadow Road, Olive Road and Worthing Road will be considered following the adoption of the draft revised Special Charge Scheme Policy.”